Your responsibilities

As a telecommunications service firm, you have a responsibility to follow any rules and determinations made by the TRA, and to follow any laws that apply to you.  Your key responsibilities include:

  • Not operating a network or service without a licence.
  • Following any rules or conditions in the FSM Telecommunications Services Act 2014 or attached to your licence.
  • Agreeing an interconnection and access agreement if requested by another firm.
  • Not engaging in conduct, alone or with others, that has the purpose or effect of substantially lessening competition.
  • If you are a dominant service provider under the Act, not charging prices without the prior approval of the TRA unless certain exceptions apply.
  • Providing users with clear, accurate and detailed billing information.
  • Providing users with a complaints and dispute resolution process including as to remedies (for example refunds and compensation) where appropriate.
  • Keeping customer communications and information confidential.